Tinu Thomas Kannur is A Writer, Author, Photographer, Explorer by passion & Traveler, Entrepreneur, and Adventurer by choice. He is very interested in visiting various places and sharing his experiences with others to help them have a similar experience while traveling with him, mostly he is a solo traveler. He always says: “Travel promotes an environment for building interpersonal relationships, for learning about culture, food, new places, music, and the way people in different parts of the world live their daily lives. It's the best on-site learning a person can get. The internet can only tell you so much about a place.” He is an Indian Entrepreneur, Humanitarian, Social Activist, Writer, Traveler, and an Author from Alakode, Kerala (India). He is the CEO and Founder of Feora Enterprises Private Limited.

Born on: 30 March, 1998

Born in: Thokkilangaadi, Koothuparamba